Brightcove Player Information Modal

In this topic you will learn how you can view player information from the Player Information Modal window.

View player information

You display the player information by right-clicking on the player and selecting Player Information, as shown in this screenshot.

Select Player Information from context menu

Once you select Player Information you will see the modal window containing information about the player, as shown in this screenshot. Details for each field are shown below the screenshot.

Player Information in modal

Player Information

Name Description
Brightcove Player Version The version of the Brightcove Player used
Video.js Version The Video.js version on which this version of Brightcove Player is built upon
Account ID Your Video Cloud account ID
Player ID ID of the player used
Embed ID If the value is default it means the player is not a child player; if the value is not default, it is the ID of the parent of the player
Application ID The application ID is used to differentiate multiple uses of a single player on different web pages for analytics reasons; it is invisible to the user.

Media Information

Name Description
Current Media Type Type of the video/media in the player
DRM Key System If the video/media in the player is encoded with Digital Rights Management, the key system being used; one of Google Widevine, Apple FairPlay or Microsoft PlayReady
Video ID The Video Cloud ID of the video/media in the player
Video Name The Video Cloud name of the video/media in the player

Player Plugins

Only Brightcove supplied plugins that are part of the player configuration will appear in this section. If you add a Brightcove plugin in an HTML page's JavaScript, it will NOT appear in the list. Customer developed plugins, even if listed as part of the player's configuration, will NOT appear.

Name Description
Name Name of the plugin
Version Version of the plugin used in the player
Active? A plugin being active means it has been initialized on the player (e.g. by calling player.pip() either automatically or manually); a plugin may be available, but not active on a player

Playback Engine

  • Library Engines - Playback technologies used and associated versions
  • Statistics
    Name Description
    Current Bandwidth The measured bytes per second
    Media Bytes Transferred The number of bytes of media downloaded so far
    Media Requests The number of segments loaded so far
    Media Transfer Duration The total time spent downloading media
    Rendition Width The width of the rendition downloaded to the player
    Rendition Height The height of the rendition downloaded to the player

Device Capabilities

Name Description
Media Source Extensions (MSE) Whether or not the device/browser supports MSE
Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) Whether or not the device/browser supports EME
Widevine Whether or not the device/browser supports Widevine DRM
PlayReady Whether or not the device/browser supports PlayReady DRM
FairPlay Whether or not the device/browser supports FairPlay DRM

Device Format Support

The different video/media formats and whether the player can play those formats. Note that the value Probably is dictated by the HTML standard:

For full details see MIME types section of HTML Standards document.

Close the modal window

You close the modal either pressing the ESC key or by clicking on the close icon at the top-right.

Close icon

Alter the context menu

You can alter the menu that appears on right-click, called the context menu. To do this you must alter the configuration of your player. You can do this in two ways:

  • Using Studio's JSON Editor from the PLAYERS module.
  • A tool to perform the configuration change is curl.

The two changes you can make, and how to affect them, are shown here.

Prevent the menu appearing

If you wish to prevent the player information context menu from appearing at all, you can do one of the following:

Use the JSON Editor

Alter the player's configuration by adding the highlighted property (be sure to save the change):

JSON Editor no debugger

Use curl

curl \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --user $EMAIL \
  --request PATCH \
  --data '{
      "context_menu": false
  }' \$ACCOUNT_ID/players/$PLAYER_ID/configuration

Prevent the Brightcove menu option

If you wish to prevent the About Brightcove menu option from appearing, you can do one of the following:

Use the JSON Editor

Alter the player's configuration by adding the highlighted property (be sure to save the change):

JSON Editor no Brightcove Player branding

Use curl

curl \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --user $EMAIL \
  --request PATCH \
  --data '{
    "context_menu": {
      "brightcove_branding": false
  }' \$ACCOUNT_ID/players/$PLAYER_ID/configuration