Configuring the Brightcove Player for DRM

In this topic, you will learn how Brightcove Player implements digital rights management (DRM). The document first shows how to implement the DRM plugin, then is followed by details of the plugin and how it is implemented.


Brightcove is embracing the following technologies to deliver DRM protected content to the widest possible variety of browsers and devices:

  • MPEG-DASH with Native/EME supported CENC DRMs
  • HLS with FairPlay

To use DRM with Brightcove Player you must:

  • Produce DRM enabled content
  • Enable Brightcove Player to use the DRM plugin
  • In some cases, configure the DRM plugin to use your license server


Review these key terms used in this document.

Term Definition
DRM From Wikipedia: Digital rights management (DRM) is a class of copy protection technologies that are used by hardware and software manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders, and individuals with the intent to control the use of digital content and devices after sale.
MPEG-DASH From Wikipedia: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), also known as MPEG-DASH, is an adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high quality streaming of media content over the Internet delivered from conventional HTTP web servers. Similar to Apple's HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) solution, MPEG-DASH works by breaking the content into a sequence of small HTTP-based file segments, each segment containing a short interval of playback time of a content that is potentially many hours in duration, such as a movie or the live broadcast of a sports event.
CENC From the ISO standard: The 'CENC' Common Encryption Scheme specifies standard encryption and key mapping methods that can be utilized by one or more digital rights and key management systems (DRM systems) to enable decryption of the same file using different DRM systems.
Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) From Wikipedia: EME is a W3C draft specification for providing a communication channel between web browsers and digital rights management (DRM) agent software. This allows the use of HTML5 video to play back DRM-wrapped content without the need for third-party media plugins, like Microsoft Silverlight.

Implement using Players module

To implement the DRM Plugin in Studio, and enable DRM based on your account setup, follow these steps:

  1. Open the PLAYERS module and either create a new player or locate the player to which you wish to add DRM functionality.
  2. Click the link for the player to open the player's properties.
  3. Click Playback in the left navigation menu.
  4. Next, check the Enable DRM checkbox.
    DRM checkbox in Studio
  5. To publish the player, click Publish & Embed > Publish Changes.
  6. To close the open dialog, click Close.

DRM plugin architecture

The DRM plugin (videojs-drm) is a wrapper around two plugins:

  • videojs-silverlight
  • videojs-contrib-eme

The videojs-drm plugin version 5 uses the player's built-in DASH playback capabilities. This utilizes VHS, which is the next and renamed version of the built-in videojs-contrib-hls plugin.

As of player 6.26.0 the player supports DASH multi-period. For earlier versions of the player, the Shaka player is required for DASH multi-period.

If you want to use the Shaka Player for DASH playback, like it did in version 4, you can include the following script along with videojs-drm version 5 script:

The videojs-silverlight plugin allows for playback of DASH content on certain Internet Explorer browsers.

The videojs-contrib-eme plugin allows for playback of FairPlay HLS content.

Playback technologies used

Brightcove Player utilizes different DRM playback technologies with different browsers. The following details the DRM technologies used with Brightcove Player:

  • FairPlay: Apple's DRM system
  • PlayReady: Microsoft's DRM system
  • Widevine: Google's DRM system

The following table details the relationship between the browser (latest version), format and playback technology used in Brightcove Player:

Browser Format DRM Playback Technology Rendition Type Used
to Deliver DRM Content
Chrome Desktop HLS or DASH with Widevine EME HLS or MPEG-DASH
Chrome Mobile1 HLS or DASH with Widevine EME HLS or MPEG-DASH
Internet Explorer2 HLS or DASH with PlayReady EME HLS or MPEG-DASH
Edge HLS or DASH with Widevine EME HLS or MPEG-DASH
Safari HLS with FairPlay Native HLS
Firefox HLS or DASH with Widevine EME HLS or MPEG-DASH

1DRM playback using Chrome Mobile on iOS is not supported.

Produce DRM content

There are two steps you must perform to create DRM enabled content:

  1. Contact your account manager to have your account(s) DRM-enabled. You can then configure your account with the proper licensing keys and ingest profiles to enable the creation of DRM protected content.
  2. Produce DRM protected content. You can choose to either upload new content or re-encode existing content as DRM. This is done by selecting the Ingest Profile that produces your desired encryption technology.

You will need to produce DRM protected content which uses either MPEG-DASH manifests with segmented and encrypted videos, or HLS FairPlay content.

Implementing FairPlay playback in code

If you wish to implement FairPlay playback using the in-page embed code you must follow these steps to use the DRM plugin:

  1. In the header of your HTML page, include the plugin's stylesheet:
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  2. Include the plugin's JavaScript:
        <script src=""></script>
  3. If your account is set up for Dynamic Delivery, simply call the EME plugin to initialize it.

        <script type="text/javascript">
          videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID').ready(function() {
            var myPlayer = this;


    If your account is NOT set up for Dynamic Delivery, then you need to call and configure the EME plugin with FairPlay credential information.

        videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID').ready(function() {
          var myPlayer = this;
            "applicationId": "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",
            "publisherId": "YOUR_PUBISHER_ID"

    Brightcove Player sends the FairPlay credential information to a Video Cloud FairPlay certificate path.

Follow these steps to use the DRM Plugin with FairPlay protected content:

  1. In the header of your HTML page, include the plugin's stylesheet:
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  2. Include the plugin's JavaScript:
        <script src=""></script>
  3. In a JavaScript block in the page, call and configure the EME plugin with FairPlay credential information by providing getCertificate, getContentId and getLicense functions to the EME plugin. These functions are specific to your own FairPlay license server implementation, and may be passed directly to the EME plugin before a src is set:
        <script type="text/javascript">
          videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID').ready(function() {
            var myPlayer = this;
              keySystems: {
                '': {
                getCertificate: function (emeOptions, callback) {
                // request certificate
                // if err, callback(err)
                // if success, callback(null, certificate) where certificate
                // is a Uint8Array
              getContentId: function (emeOptions, initData) {
                // return content ID as a string
                getLicense: function (emeOptions, contentId, keyMessage, callback) {
                  // request key
                  // if err, callback(err)
                  // if success, callback(null, key) as an arraybuffer

Note that the FairPlay information can also be passed as part of each src object. The emeOptions are provided as a parameter to all functions. They are a reference to plugin options merged with (overwritten by) the source options of the current source. It is available to make it easier to access options so that you don't have to maintain them yourself.

      type: 'application/',
      src: '',
      keySystems: {
        "": {
          getCertificate: function(emeOptions, callback) { ... },
          getContentId: function(emeOptions, initData) { ... },
          getLicense: function(emeOptions, contentId, keyMessage, callback) { ... }

For example, if you need to use an applicationId and publisherId for the getCertificate request, you can pass in plugin options this way:

      keySystems: {
        "": {
          getCertificate: function(emeOptions, callback) {
          var applicationId = emeOptions.applicationId; // 'application-id'
          var publisherId = emeOptions.publisherId; // 'publisher-id'
          // ...
          // ...
      applicationId: 'application-id'
      publisherId: 'publisher-id'

Or, if you need a source-specific publisherId you can overwrite it via the source options:

    // plugin options
      keySystems: {
        "": {
        getCertificate: function(emeOptions, callback) {
        var applicationId = emeOptions.applicationId; // 'application-id'
        var publisherId = emeOptions.publisherId; // 'source-specific-publisher-id'
        // ...
        // ...
    applicationId: 'application-id'
    publisherId: 'publisher-id'
    // source options
      src: '<URL>',
      type: 'application/',
      publisherId: 'source-specific-publisher-id'

The following is an example implementation, passing the options in as src options, retrieving the content ID from the hostname, fixed license and certificate URIs, and a license URI that requires a POST with a body of the key message:

    var uint8ArrayToString = function(array) {
    return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(array.buffer));
    var getHostnameFromUri = function(uri) {
      var link = document.createElement('a');
      link.href = uri;
      return link.hostname;
    var getCertificate = function(emeOptions, callback) {
        uri: emeOptions.certificateUri,
        responseType: 'arraybuffer'
        }, function(err, response, responseBody) {
        if (err) {
        callback(null, new Uint8Array(responseBody));
    var getContentId = function(emeOptions, initData) {
      return getHostnameFromUri(uint8ArrayToString(initData));
    var getLicense = function(emeOptions, contentId, keyMessage, callback) {
        uri: emeOptions.licenseUri,
        method: 'POST',
        responseType: 'arraybuffer',
        body: keyMessage,
        headers: {
          'Content-type': 'application/octet-stream'
        }, function(err, response, responseBody) {
        if (err) {
        callback(null, responseBody);
      type: 'application/',
      src: '',
      keySystems: {
        "": {
        getCertificate: getCertificate,
        getContentId: getContentId,
        getLicense: getLicense
      certificateUri: '',
      licenseUri: ''

Implementing Widevine playback in code

If you wish to implement Widevine playback using the in-page embed code you must follow these steps to use the DRM plugin:

  1. In the header of your HTML page, include the plugin's stylesheet:
        <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  2. Include the plugin's JavaScript:
        <script src=""></script>
  3. Next, simply call the EME plugin to initialize it.
        <script type="text/javascript">
          videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID').ready(function() {
            var myPlayer = this;

For Widevine Modular content, you need to configure your player to use your Widevine licensing server using the player's source handler.

To update an instance of a player on your web page, you can use the player's source handler. Here is an example of using the keySystemsOptions array with the player.src() function:

      src: '',
      type: 'application/dash+xml',
      keySystemOptions: [
        name: 'com.widevine.alpha',
        options: {
        licenseUrl: ''

You can also use the updateSourceData function as follows:

    videojs.Html5DashJS.updateSourceData = function(source) {
    source.keySystemOptions = [{
    name: 'com.widevine.alpha',
    options: {
    return source;

For more details, see the videojs-contrib-dash information on GitHub.

Supporting other DRM providers

The plugin has implemented a path that allows customers to implement support for other DRM providers. This is mostly useful for Fairplay, as Fairplay requires custom logic necessary to get license information. Adding a to keySystems on a given source will attempt to utilize this logic, and include the necessary certificate and license information. An example for Azure follows:

      src: ''
      type: '',
      keySystems: {
        '': {
        vendor: {
        name: 'azure'
      certificateUri: '',
      licenseUri: ''

Here is an example for castLabs:

    var player = videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID');
        src: ''
        type: '',
        keySystems: {
          '': {
          vendor: {
          name: 'castlabs',
          options: {
          authToken: 'your-auth-token',
          customData: 'your-custom-data'
        certificateUri: '',
        licenseUri: ''

This example loads Widevine and PlayReady sources:

      type: 'application/dash+xml',
      src: '<some src>',
         keySystems: {
      'com.widevine.alpha': '<license url>',
      '': '<license url>'

Enable debugging

To enable debugging for your DRM DASH content, add the following shaka scripts to your Brightcove Player:

    <!-- Script for the drm plugin -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Script for the shaka plugin -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Script for shaka debug plugin  -->
    <script src=""></script>

The following is an example of the debugging at player load:

Debugging in console at startup

The following is an example of the debugging after the video has begun to play:

Debugging in console after playing


The Brightcove Player supports DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) assets, passing through Brightcove data to Native/EME. See for more information on DASH-IF. The following DASH-IF links are also helpful when using DASH:

Playback restrictions

To configure Brightcove Player to use Playback Restrictions, see here.

Known issues

  • The Default (Auto Display) caption setting in the Media module's TEXT TRACK section is not supported when used in conjunction with DRM and in-manifest captions. In-manifest captions are used with the Brightcove products Dynamic Delivery and SSAI, for example. A workaround for this issue is to use the <track> tag with the Advanced Brightcove Player implementation. This is detailed in the Adding Captions to Videos Programmatically document. Note you must use the default attribute with the <track> tag.
  • DRM assets and Chrome: When using the Standard (iframe) player implementation with the DRM plugin, allow="encrypted-media" is required to be able to play DRM assets in Chrome.
        <iframe src=""
        width="640" height="360"
  • Special event for Silverlight/IE11: In most cases if you wish to programmatically interact with the player you would wait for either the ready or loadedmetadata  event to be dispatched. However, if you wish to programmatically interact with the player when using the Silverlight tech in IE11, AND playing DRM content, you should wait for the canplay event.
  • On iOS, only Safari provides the necessary DRM browser APIs (EME), WebViews do not currently have EME support. Therefore Fairplay DRM will only work on Safari.


See the DRM Plugin Release Notes.

For historical release notes, see the changelog here.