Video Metadata from mediainfo

In this topic you will learn how to retrieve information about the video (metadata) from the mediainfo object. The property is populated after the loadstart event is dispatched.

mediainfo property

The mediainfo property is an object which contains information (metadata) on the current video in the player.

The mediainfo property is an object which contains information (metadata) on the current video in the player. You populate the object with video information from your CMS (content management system) or database.

After the mediainfo object is populated you can use it for convenient data retrieval when wishing to display video information, like the video name or description. The object is also used in analytics collection.

Fields in mediainfo

The fields present in the mediainfo property are as follows:

Field Name Description Data Type
accountId Brightcove account string
adKeys For future support N/A
createdAt Creation date and time UTC (2011-09-28T20:06:37.879Z)
cuePoints List of cue points as an array of objects array of objects
customFields Key-value pairs of custom field names and associated values Object
description Short description, 250 characters maximum string
duration Length of video in seconds numeric
economics Contains either AD_SUPPORTED or FREE. If the media is marked FREE, neither IMA3 nor FreeWheel ads will play. string
id Video IDUnique identifier associated with the video string
link Object that contains link text and url properties object
longDescription Description, 5000 characters maximum string
name Video title string
poster URL to the poster image string
posterSources Array containing poster sources array
publishedAt Publication date and time UTC (2011-09-28T20:06:37.879Z)
rawSources Rendition information array
referenceId Video reference IDKey or identifier from external database or CMS string
sources List of renditions as an array of objects; each object includes at least two elements: type and src array of objects
tags Tags (metadata) associated with the video array of strings
textTracks Array that holds text tracks for captions, cue points, etc. array
thumbnail URL to the thumbnail image string
thumbnailSources Data structure containing poster thumbnails string
variants An array of objects containing multilingual metadata for the videos; the object properties: language, name, description, long_description, and custom_fields Array

Populate mediainfo

Using the on() method you wait for the loadstart event to be dispatched, then in the corresponding event handler you access the values stored in mediainfo object. From the code below note the use of console.log that displays the mediainfo object (lines 111-113).

<video-js id="myPlayerID"
<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID').ready(function() {
    var myPlayer = this;
      console.log('mediainfo', myPlayer.mediainfo);

An example display from the console is shown here:

console display

Populate the object

You can manually populate the mediainfo property with metadata from your CMS or database. You can then use the mediainfo object's sources property to populate the player with a video rendition.

  • Lines 32-37: In-page embed player implementation
  • Lines 40-52: Manually creates the a video object; in actuality data comes from CMS or database and object built dynamically
  • Line 54-55: Ensures the player is ready to use and assigns the player instance to a variable
  • Line 56: Assigns the manually created video object to the player's mediainfo object
  • Line 57: Uses the player's src method to assign one or more video renditions, which are stored in the mediainfo object's sources property, to the player
  <video-js id="myPlayerID"
  <script src=""></script>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    //Populate video object (normally from database or CMS)
    var videoObject = new Object(); = "Hand made video object test"; = "1234msb";
    videoObject.description = "short description for hand made video object";
    videoObject.accountId = "1507807800001";
    videoObject.sources = [{
        "src": "",
        "type": "application/x-mpegURL"
      }, {
        "src": "",
        "type": "video/mp4"

    videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID').ready(function() {
      var myPlayer = this;
      myPlayer.mediainfo = videoObject;

Display tags and custom fields

Both the tags and custom fields are stored in complex data structures. The customFields in an object and tags in an array. The following screenshot shows the custom fields and tags highlighted in the mediainfo object.

tags and custom fields in console display

To display the data from these complex data structures you need two kinds of loops. A for loop is used to iterate over the tags array (lines 16-20) and inject the dynamically built HTML unordered list into a <div> ( defined in line 9). A for-in loop is used to iterate over the custom fields object (lines 24-27) and inject the dynamically built HTML unordered list into the <div>.

<video-js id="myPlayerID"
<script src=""></script>

<div id="displayInfo"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  videojs.getPlayer('myPlayerID').ready(function() {
    var myPlayer = this;
      //Use JavaScript to display the tags
      var numTags = myPlayer.mediainfo.tags.length;
      displayInfo.innerHTML += "<h1>Tags:</h1><ul>";
      for (var i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
        displayInfo.innerHTML += "<li>" + myPlayer.mediainfo.tags[i] + "</li>";
      displayInfo.innerHTML += "</ul><br />";

      //Use JavaScript to display custom fields
      displayInfo.innerHTML += "<h1>Custom Fields:</h1><ul>";
      for (var key in myPlayer.mediainfo.customFields) {
       displayInfo.innerHTML += "<li><strong>" + key + "</strong>: " + myPlayer.mediainfo.customFields[key] + "</li>";
      displayInfo.innerHTML += "</ul>";

The rendered HTML appears as shown in this screenshot.

tags and custom display in HTML