Overview: Brightcove Player Plugins
Brightcove plugins
The following is a summary of the Brightcove supplied player plugins. Plugins are used to enhance Brightcove Player.
Plugin | Loaded by Default | Description |
360º Video | This plugin turns a properly recorded video element into a HTML5, panoramic, 360º video that can be played in Brightcove Player. | |
Advertising with FreeWheel | This plugin enables FreeWheel ad technology, for either Flash or HTML5, in Brightcove Player. | |
Advertising with IMA3 | Integrates the Brightcove Player with Google's Interactive Media Ads (IMA) for HTML5 version 3. This allows you to request and track VAST ads for your player. | |
Advertising with SSAI | Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) allows you to embed ads into your videos so that they can't be blocked by ad blockers in the browser. By default, the plugin enforces that all advertisements are watched and displays an ad count-down timer while they play. You can easily customize this plugin to skip advertisements. | |
AirPlay | Allows streaming of content from Brightcove Player to your Apple TV. | |
Chromecast | Enables Brightcove Player to cast video from your desktop or Android Chrome browser to the Chromecast device. | |
Custom Endscreen | Displays publisher supplied HTML at the conclusion of video playback. | |
Display Thumbnail Previews | Displays a preview image over the timeline at defined points in the video. As the user moves over the timeline, thumbnail images will be displayed for specified time ranges. | |
DRM (formally called DASH) | Used to implement DRM in Brightcove Player. | |
Error Messages | Y | Allows the player to display user friendly messages when it encounters an error. The display is an overlay that is semi-transparent and styled by the default style sheet. |
Google Tag Manager | Allows integration with Google Tag Manager functionality with Brightcove Player. | |
HLS | Y | Plays HLS video on platforms that don't support HLS but do have Flash Player. The enables the video content in the m3u8 manifest to be played in the player. |
Overlay Display | Displays simple messages as semi-transparent overlays on top of the player. Message display can based on player events, such as play or pause, or at a specified time during video playback. | |
Picture-in-Picture | Allows the user to scroll down the page and the player will be pinned to a corner of the web page. | |
Playlist Endscreen | This plugin enables display of a playlist at the end of a video. You can add this to a player either by using Video Cloud Studio or by using code with Brightcove Player. | |
Playlist UI | Enhances the look and feel of default playlist functionality. | |
Quality Selection | Provides a menu button in the player's controlbar which allows manual selection of the playback quality for HLS or Dash sources. | |
Social Media | Enables users to share a video to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest or LinkedIn. | |
Tealium | Allows integration with the Tealium iQ tag manager. | |
Thumbnail Seeking | Implements thumbnail seeking with Brightcove Player. |
Open source plugins
The open source Video.js player, on which the Brightcove Player is based, has many plugins built for it. These plugins are compatible with the Brightcove Player as long as the version of the Video.js player is the same version on which the Brightcove Player is based. The Brightcove Player may be version-wise either ahead of, or behind, the open source Video.js player. The link to the Video.js Plugins page is https://github.com/videojs/video.js/wiki/Plugins.
Also available are Brightcove Player specific open source plugins. As examples are plugins for Conviva and Nielsen analytics. Note that Brightcove does not provide support for, or document, these plugins. Customers should contact their account managers at Conviva/Nielsen for details and access.
Available from Moat, a company which provides publishers a simple way to measure and report on the viewability of ads played back, is a plugin that works with Brightcove Player. To gain access to Moat’s plugin for the Brightcove Player, customers should reach out to their Moat account manager.