Overview: HTTPS Support

This topic will walk you through the steps to enable HTTPS with the Brightcove Player.

Why support HTTPS?

Let's first talk about why HTTPS support is even needed:

  • Social sharing sites require it. Twitter and Facebook require a level of HTTPS support to show a video player.
  • To keep the browser lock intact. If you have all or part of your site on HTTPS, you likely want to keep the "browser lock" intact. Without full HTTPS support, the browser lock looks broken.
  • To keep the player working. Increasingly, browsers will refuse to load any HTTP content on a site that uses HTTPS. Therefore, if a video player doesn't have HTTPS support, it won't load or will be missing features. Having a working player has also been a specific issue with the current player when domain restriction is in use.

Enabling HTTPS

To enable HTTPS with the Brightcove Player, you will need to do the following:

Use HTTPS with the player

  • For the iframe implementation, make sure your page is loaded over HTTPS. In the example below, notice that the player's src property uses a protocol relative URL. This means that players embedded on HTTPS pages will be loaded over HTTPS protocol.
    <iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/1752604059001/default_default/index.html?videoId=4029697544001' allowfullscreen allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
  • For the In-Page implementation, make sure your page is loaded over HTTPS. In the example below, the player's JavaScript file has a src property which uses a protocol relative URL. Therefore, players embedded on HTTPS pages will be loaded over HTTPS protocol.
    <script src="//players.brightcove.net/1752604059001/default_default/index.min.js"></script>

Serve content over HTTPS

Make sure all of your VOD content is served over HTTPS.

  • For Video Cloud accounts, all of your content will automatically be served over HTTPS.
  • For BYO accounts, you may need to contact your provider and follow up with customer support.

Deliver live streams over HTTPS

Make sure that your remote asset URL is using HTTPS. For example:
