


static, constant allowedGetters :Object

Enumeration of allowed getters where the keys are method names.

static, constant allowedMediators :Object

Enumeration of allowed mediators where the keys are method names.

static, constant allowedSetters :Object

Enumeration of allowed setters where the keys are method names.


static clearCacheForPlayer(player)

Clear the middleware cache for a player.

Name Type Description
player default

A Player instance.

static get(middleware, tech, method) → {*}

Calls a getter on the tech first, through each middleware from right to left to the player.

Name Type Description
middleware Array.<Object>

An array of middleware instances.

tech default

The current tech.

method string

A method name.

* -

The final value from the tech after middleware has intercepted it.

static getMiddleware(type) → {Array.<function()>|undefined}

Gets middlewares by type (or all middlewares).

Name Type Description
type string

The MIME type to match or "*" for all MIME types.

Array.<function()> | undefined -

An array of middlewares or undefined if none exist.

static mediate(middleware, tech, method, arg) → {*}

Takes the argument given to the player and calls the call version of the method on each middleware from left to right.

Then, call the passed in method on the tech and return the result unchanged back to the player, through middleware, this time from right to left.

Name Type Description
middleware Array.<Object>

An array of middleware instances.

tech default

The current tech.

method string

A method name.

arg *

The value to set on the tech.

* -

The return value of the method of the tech, regardless of the return values of middlewares.

static set(middleware, tech, method, arg) → {*}

Takes the argument given to the player and calls the setter method on each middleware from left to right to the tech.

Name Type Description
middleware Array.<Object>

An array of middleware instances.

tech default

The current tech.

method string

A method name.

arg *

The value to set on the tech.

* -

The return value of the method of the tech.

static setSource(player, src, The)

Asynchronously sets a source using middleware by recursing through any matching middlewares and calling setSource on each, passing along the previous returned value each time.

Name Type Description
player default

A Player instance.

src Tech~SourceObject

A source object.

The function

next middleware to run.

static setTech(middleware, tech)

When the tech is set, passes the tech to each middleware's setTech method.

Name Type Description
middleware Array.<Object>

An array of middleware instances.

tech default

A Video.js tech.

static use(type, middleware)

Define a middleware that the player should use by way of a factory function that returns a middleware object.

Name Type Description
type string

The MIME type to match or "*" for all MIME types.

middleware MiddlewareFactory

A middleware factory function that will be executed for matching types.

Type Definitions


A middleware factory function that should return a module:middleware~MiddlewareObject.

This factory will be called for each player when needed, with the player passed in as an argument.

Name Type Description
player default

A Video.js player.


A middleware object is a plain JavaScript object that has methods that match the Tech methods found in the lists of allowed getters, setters, and mediators.