
A single track represented in the DOM.

new HTMLTrackElement(options)

Create an instance of this class.

Name Type Default Description
options Object {}

Object of option names and values

Name Type Attributes Default Description
tech default

A reference to the tech that owns this HTMLTrackElement.

kind TextTrack~Kind <optional>

A valid text track kind.

mode TextTrack~Mode <optional>

A valid text track mode.

id string <optional>
'vjs_track_' + Guid.newGUID()

A unique id for this TextTrack.

label string <optional>

The menu label for this track.

language string <optional>

A valid two character language code.

srclang string <optional>

A valid two character language code. An alternative, but deprioritized version of options.language

src string <optional>

A url to TextTrack cues.

default boolean <optional>

If this track should default to on or off.




static ERROR :number

The text track failed to load state.

static LOADED :number

The text track loaded state.

static LOADING :number

The text track loading state.

static NONE :number

The text track not loaded state.

readyState :HTMLTrackElement~ReadyState

The current ready state of the track element.

track :TextTrack

The underlying TextTrack object.



An alias of EventTarget#on. Allows EventTarget to mimic the standard DOM API.


any(type, fn)

This function will add an event listener that gets triggered only once and is removed from all events. This is like adding an array of event listeners with EventTarget#on that calls EventTarget#off on all events the first time it is triggered.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

An event name or an array of event names.

fn function

The function to be called once for each event name.



An alias of EventTarget#trigger. Allows EventTarget to mimic the standard DOM API.


off(type, fn)

Removes an event listener for a specific event from an instance of EventTarget. This makes it so that the event listener will no longer get called when the named event happens.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

An event name or an array of event names.

fn function

The function to remove.


on(type, fn)

Adds an event listener to an instance of an EventTarget. An event listener is a function that will get called when an event with a certain name gets triggered.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

An event name or an array of event names.

fn function

The function to call with EventTargets


one(type, fn)

This function will add an event listener that gets triggered only once. After the first trigger it will get removed. This is like adding an event listener with EventTarget#on that calls EventTarget#off on itself.

Name Type Description
type string | Array.<string>

An event name or an array of event names.

fn function

The function to be called once for each event name.



An alias of EventTarget#off. Allows EventTarget to mimic the standard DOM API.



This function causes an event to happen. This will then cause any event listeners that are waiting for that event, to get called. If there are no event listeners for an event then nothing will happen.

If the name of the Event that is being triggered is in EventTarget.allowedEvents_. Trigger will also call the on + uppercaseEventName function.

Example: 'click' is in EventTarget.allowedEvents_, so, trigger will attempt to call onClick if it exists.

Name Type Description
event string | EventTarget~Event | Object

The name of the event, an Event, or an object with a key of type set to an event name.
